“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth”. Mat 5:5

Meekness is not something the world values. In the perspective of the world, meekness conveys a sense of weakness when the wicked culture values strength, forcefulness, violence, oppression. In their thinking, it is the strong who will roll over the weak and crush them into submission, who will ascend to power over the heads of the weak.

Consider the words of Psalm 10: “In pride the wicked hotly pursue the afflicted” (Psalm 10:2). The word translated “afflicted” also means “humble”, similar to “meek”. And yet where are all the “strong” of history? They are dust. Their kingdoms are no more. The Psalm says: “You have rebuked the nations, You have eliminated the wicked; You have wiped out their name forever and ever.” (Psalm 9:5)

Even today, we see the forceful advance of the powerful elite who desire to rule the world. And yet one of the first teachings to come from the Lord is that the meek shall inherit the earth. Not the strong or the elite or the mega millionaires, not the movers and shakers that impose their dictates and “resets” on the rest of us. The meek.

The Greek word translated “meek” is sometimes translated “gentle”. Gentleness is not weakness, its strength. It takes great strength to overcome the natural inclinations of the human heart towards darkness, rage, brutality, violence, oppression.

The same word is used in Matthew 11:28-29 by the Lord who invites people to Himself:

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30″For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

The Lord Himself is gentle and humble. So clearly the creator of the universe, the savior of the world does not see gentleness or meekness as a liability or weakness. Gentleness is also a fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23) who is at work in the lives of believers to transform them. It takes the strength of the Lord Himself working through His Spirit and His Word to change the inclinations of the heart from darkness and evil to gentleness, meekness.

The day is coming soon in which the meek shall inherit the earth, for these are also the righteous who walk by faith and repentance filled with the Spirit of the Living God. Those who have given their hearts to the savior shall receive the promised inheritance in the fullness of God’s Kingdom, which shall crush all other kingdoms and shall itself remain forever.

If you believe in the Lord, if you follow Jesus, then rest assured that the hold of the wicked on the world today will be short lived, just as it always is. It is the meek, the gentle that shall inherit the earth – a new heavens and a new earth devoid of the darkness and wickedness and filled with the Light of God.

I’m AC

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