He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1

We just left a very difficult year behind. 2020 was a game changer in many respects: economically, physically, politically, and spiritually. We live in very uncertain times. COVID, social upheaval, violence in our cities, lockdown, job loss, business closures. Many people do not know where to turn. Some people want to run because they think that uncertainty and adversity will be left behind; that someplace else will be better, safer. I can’t tell you how many times I thought about leaving California this year – moving some place safer – at least in my own mind.

Where should we be in 2021? Regardless of where this year takes us, regardless of where you are, know this: the safest, most secure place is dwelling in the shelter of the Most High – the Almighty. To dwell in the Hebrew means to sit, to remain – like you are not going anywhere. You choose to stay. How close? Very close – “in His shadow” close. Think about the noonday sun and how small the shadows are in the heat of the day. As a child, you seek the shadow of your parent to get out of the sun. You must be very close to that parent to be in their shadow. Where is the shelter? Very, very close to the person. That’s the idea in Psalm 91:1. You must be very close to God for this Psalm to have meaning for you.

Two names for the Lord are given in this one verse: Most High or Elyon. Where is He? He is in the highest place. Far above all powers and authorities. In heaven where His throne is, together with Jesus seated at His right hand. The second name used in this short verse is “the Almighty”. He is all powerful. The creator of the universe. In His shadow is a safe place to be.

So as 2021 begins to unfold with all of its uncertainty and trials, remember where you will find shelter. Don’t be enticed out by the empty promises of the culture or the deception of those who want to draw you out from the shadow of the Almighty. Go there. Sit down. Stay. Live there. This unlocks the promises of Psalm 91.

How close should you be to the Lord? Psalm 91 close. Very, very close.

I’m AC

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